Korean Elderly Fashion
A desire to connect with South Korea, the place where my parents came from and where my ancestors lay to rest, led me to travel there in 2018. I never got a chance to connect with my grandparents, so I was curious about their current and past experiences. As I walked around Seoul, I noticed a lot of elderly people dressed in fashionable clothes, particularly men dressed in suits, fancy hats and nice shoes. This is why I started to photograph them in the first place.
May 2018 - June 2018 || Seoul, South Korea Shot on the Yashica Mat 124 G

Normally people in Korea don't want their photo taken, but when I mentioned people's outfits, they were excited to share how much something cost or where they got their suit from. Some said it was important for them to dress well as a way to feel dignified. One man said to me "My skin is aging, my breath smells, and I can't control that I'm getting old, but I can still control what I wear and how I present myself to society." I got a sense that aging isn't viewed as something to be proud of, but people can still be proud of what they're wearing. Most elderly people in Korea experienced a lot of trauma, and this is one way for them to show the world they've survived it and they're doing well.